Friday, October 16, 2015

Too Cheesy not to Share.

Ok So I have received a variety of messages online and some are pretty corny pickup lines. I will share some of my favorites.  So unfortunately for these fellas, I most likely did not reply.
I have found in my experience that even when replying, there are certain guys who will whine or get on the defensive and its rather annoying and it keeps happening so I just stopped replying.

Conversations like the such will take place.

GUY: Hey you are lovely I was hoping to get the chance to get to know you better.
ME: I am sorry but I am not interested.
GUY: But Why? What is wrong with me? Can you at least give me some advice, some pointers on what I can do to improve?
GUY: I just want to know why?
GUY: Please? I just need a reason.
GUY: Hello?
GUY: Fine you bitch. you are probably all shallow and you can't see the good in people, I don't need you, you shallow bitch.

*2 Months later*
GUY: Hey how are you? I know you said no before but just wondering how you are doing?
GUY: Hello?
GUY: ...
ME: *Blocks*

The End.

Yes these things happen...therefore I decided to stop replying, its like telemarketers as soon as you stop answering they will stop calling.
Also I think its less cruel than me replying in rejection anyway, I mean how would you feel if all day you hadn't received a message on your online dating site, then ta da! A message appears! So you are all excited to open it up and read it...then your world crashes down because its a rejection message...I believe this is why some guys get all defensive about it. Because their hopes and dreams just crashed down.

Anyway I promised cheesey so here is some...
I went through my inbox and found some messages that I wanted to recognize as either cheesy or a good try,  I have scratched out the username for privacy.

 This first one I would put in the creepy category. Of course he ended up blocked. I am not the type of girl who wants to start a conversation with "damn you're sexy" I give him points on spelling things correctly and how straightforward this guy can be.
 Geek Crescendo Guy actually send a pretty good message.  He sent two messages in the same day so that shows a little of impatience and some persistence. Kudos on the Greek Crescendo words though.

 Mr. Funny Game of Thrones Joke seems harmless.  This is actually a pretty good joke that isn't stupid and its a good way of breaking the ice.. and speaking of breaking the ice.

Do you know how much a polar bear weighs? Good One, very cheesy, just how I like my pizza.  However, this guy doesn't even live in Texas and I do, and according to my profile I am looking for people near me, and from the looks of it this guy just wants to break the ice and break into my pants. NEXT!

 When I didn't reply to the first message, that doesn't mean send me two more messages,  but I know we don't all read minds.  Suppose we must give this guy points for trying but this is not the droid you are looking for, move along.
 That's it...that was his pickup line...a stun gun. Did you even read my profile? Maybe you should instead of just looking at people's pictures.  But thank you for saying I'm stunning yet dangerous like a stun gun.

And last but not least...Mr. Superman. This guy basically just told me his sex fantasy about what he wants to do to me, yes he may be nerdy and everything, but this is not how you pick up classy chicks.  I am sure others have fantasies like this so not its not weird that you want to have this fantasy...but it is weird that I don't even know you and you are telling me this.
Kudos for honesty, but sorry hun, maybe you should find out if I even watch Superman before you start revealing Superman fantasies.

Well there is my sh-peal for the day of some of the messages I get, I shall share more experiences in time to come.

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