Thursday, September 17, 2015

Your Dating Profile Pictures.

Ladies and Gentlemen, your profile picture represents you and what you want to do is look attractive to the person you are trying to attract.

Assuming you are actually trying to online date for a serious relationship and not a booty call, lets talk about what kind of picture you should have as your profile picture and what kind of pictures to put in your gallery.

-Your profile picture should be of maybe a two thirds upper portrait of you. preferably of what you currently look like.  Other good pictures would include a selfie that you take from straight in front of you, not from above or below, as seen on the image below.

Good Selfie Angle for a photo shows what you look like straight up from a normal perspective

-If you have ever had professional portraits done or you were looking fine at a wedding or party, throw one of those in there too so that your potential can see how good you look polished up.

Looking all polished up in a picture shows you can clean up well.

- Having pictures of you having fun with friends or doing an activity you like is also a good idea.  Your potential wants to know that you also have a life and that you do more than just sit at your computer looking for dates.

Show that you have a life outside the online world with friends or doing an activity you like. 

- Last but not least, if you have a pet in your life that you are very fond of like a dog or a cat. Post a picture of them too, your potential will want to know if you have a special little friend that you take care of.

Showing your pet shows that you have another special friend already in your life

-Unless you are looking for booty calls, then try not to post anything that seems sexual like a shirtless picture, or too much cleavage (ladies).  Too much sexuality can make a person who is actively looking for commitment seem like you are just desperate for physical attention.
- Guys...I know some of you are proud of your car or truck...but if you are going to take a picture of it, be in the picture with your vehicle. Don't just put a picture of your vehicle in there, it makes it look like you just googled your favorite car or took a picture of a car you like and uploaded it to the site.  Probably best to just stay away from pictures with your vehicle in them unless you are actually going after materialistic girls.  Sure mention in your profile that you drive X car and if she is interested in cars she will inquire.
- Those angles...If we are trying to be honest, then lets not bombard your profile with crazy angled selfies.  Ladies are usually guilty of finding angles that make them look different. Yes you look very pretty, sure post one of those on there, but make sure that 9/10 of your pictures aren't just over the top angles where they can never see anything except your pretty face.  People want to see what you look like entirely.  Show them how you look wearing that killer outfit at So and So's wedding, show them how much fun you have playing tennis with your friends!

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