Sunday, September 13, 2015


Let's see, where to begin.  Well I mostly want to begin by saying the reason I am writing this.  I have been online dating since the end of the Summer of 2013.  I learned of a couple of free online internet sites, so I decided to give them a try.
At the time I did not have very many recent pictures of me because...well I had gained  few pounds, so I put up pictures of when I was more attractive.
After I had my first meeting with someone I realized that putting non-recent pictures of myself wasn't gonna fly. So I tried to put up some more recent pictures.

Anyway this blog is not going to be about what I did, but it's going to be about what kind of messages I get. online profile tips, how to message a lady properly, and so on and so forth.

Guys will message me online and then they keep doing it, and again, and again.  Then they ask, why aren't you responding? What can I do to improve?
Honestly guys you are going about it the wrong way.  Here I will give you pointers on how to make a better first impression message.  What kind of pictures you should post, what kind of things should you put on your profile.  Tips on what makes a girl click on your profile or message you back. And also things that you want to avoid.

I wish I could help you spot a lady with non-recent photos, but I can tell you this for sure.  Since I am guilty of the such, when a guy actually tells me that my pictures are deceiving it went to heart with me and I decided to change that.  It may not work with all women but honestly is usually the best policy.  If you actually afraid to hurt her feelings then just message her after the first meeting and just let her know that she wasn't what you expected, or just flat out "your pictures were slightly deceiving and I am an honest person."  Hard words but sometimes they need to be said.

This is my personal experience with online dating and maybe more than just online.

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